Increase the productivity rate of new employees

3 min readApr 26, 2021


Several of the organizations that is reaching out to Skillboost is facing similar challenges. They relatively often have new people joining the organization (often younger), they grow rapidly or are established/ spread over several different geographical locations at the same time.

The common denominator for these organizations is that they frequently hire new people who need guidance to get started in a quick and qualitative way in their new job role. Having tutors on site at all times is both expensive, resource-intensive and inefficient.

So how can you take advantage of performance support tools like Skillboost to streamline this process?

Digitize the knowledge and information

According to the traditional 70–20–10 rule, you learn around 70% better if you perform the actual task, while you only learn around 10% if you get the information delivered to you in advance. That you learn faster by performing the tasks is clear, but to know how to perform them, you need guidance.

By creating short but clear instructions that shows how to perform the tasks step-by-step, you are not only creating a more secure environment for the new employee, you are also reducing the time that a supervisor needs to be present. By creating dynamic digital guides, you can update and adjust the content at any time from a central location when changes in the workflow occur.

Make it accessible

Digitizing the information and knowledge is the first step, for the investment to have an effect for the individuals in the organization, it is required that it is easily accessible when the need arises. There have been many researches in the last 10–20 years that show that an employee spends anywhere between 15–30% of their working time searching for information. These numbers must of course be taken with a pinch of salt as variables such as the type of position and work the individual performs greatly affect and result in these numbers being both lower and higher.

By ensuring that the instructions are available in the environments where the individual’s daily work is performed, you enable the employee to perform even when they encounter problems or challenges, which in turn results in higher productivity. If you are a digital organization, you can take advantage from the communication applications you are using daily, while other more physical organizations can benefit greatly from utilizing QR codes that can be placed on machines or other items.


In order to not get overwhelmed, it is important to set up a clear strategy from the start around what the focus should be on.

Everything does not have to be digitized. In order to create optimal value, it is important to identify which workflows are most demanding from both the supervisor’s and the employee’s position. After this, you should set out clear KPIs around what it is that you want to achieve by implementing the guides. By doing this, the rest falls into place relatively by itself as the information to see what is used and what needs to be optimized can be extracted digitally.

Studies show that by creating a more efficient environment for new employees, organizations have seen an increase of up to 70% in higher productivity at the start-up phase.

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Written by Skillboost


Our vision is to provide the best and easiest all-in-one workspace for creating, maintaining and sharing knowledge and information digitally.

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